Land records are of great importance to contemporary socio-economic imperatives and their revision and updating is necessitated for capturing essentials of changes in social dynamics. The significant vision of Directorate is real time updation of land record. Initiatives have been kick started in this direction for computerization of land records.
Integrated land Information system should be in place so that access to the land records should be on “Anyone & Anywhere” basis for easy accessibility of data.
The main objective of Directorate of land records and survey is maintenance and updation of land records through single window and
- Strengthening of Survey and Settlement organizations for preparation of Land records in areas where this work still remained to be done.
- Setting up of Survey and Settlement Organization especially in the Region, where land records maintenance not existing in continuation.
- Proper storage of data pertaining to land records to be in place.
- To create soft data repository & capability to retrieve data easily.
- Facilitation towards Special survey and settlement operations, printing of survey maps, reports, documentation, storage, copying updation of land records and monitoring & supervision by using modern science and technology inputs.